Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A busy week!

Hello there!
        This week sure has been a busy one! With working almost every night, making three delicious dinners, trying new home cleaning methods, completing paper work for my FAFSA, babysitting my sweet nieces and nephew, and squeezing a run in the mix I feel like I have been a little "get it done" tornado. It has been exhausting but well worth it. I love the feeling of accomplishment, and believe me tonight I feel very accomplished!

        Last Tuesday I had been flipping through my cookbook and decided to do something different than the usual chicken or beef. I settled on shrimp scampi to be my "something new", and I am so happy that I did! It turned out quite tasty if I do say so myself. On Thursday(which I usually work, so this was thrown together last minute) I made chicken, but this chicken was not the usual kind. It was roasted chicken with pesto penne, and holy cow, it was good! I will definitely be making this again. Today had been a chilly, windy day so this evening I decided we needed some comfort food after Emmet(my son) and I ran around town taking care of errands. We had beef stew, something classic yet delightful. I just recently began to dabble in the world of cooking. My mom gave me a cookbook for Christmas last year and ever since I have been addicted. Bare with me if you find my meals to be basic becuase they're HUGE steps for me!
Shrimp Scampi:
 Roasted Chicken with Pesto Penne:
Beef Stew:

        I am a pin-addict. I love, love, love pinterest and all of the awesome stuff I find on there! A few days ago I stumbled upon a pin about more natural ways to clean your home(I would post the link but it seems to me that I did not pin it. Grr...). Having a three year old running around your house you know that they will get in to anything and everything they are NOT supposed to. I figured I would check it out and what I read had surprised me. The main ingredients used were baking soda and vinegar; things I cook with!! I knew I had to give it a shot! My bathroom is now spotless, and now the kitchen is on my to do list. These two main components really did the trick! I was so blown away with what a spectacular job they had done compared to the harsh chemicals I usually use. I'll admit getting used the the awful smell of vinegar will take a while but it will get easier to overlook knowing that it's much safer for my little boy(not to mention cheaper on the pocket book).

         I have tried for three years to make my way into the Gila Academy of Cosmetology here at the community college, and this year all the pieces are falling together! The first year my dad was working all the time(he is a driller, and was currently working in Alaska) and made to much money for me to qualify for help but didnt have the kind of money to pay $12,000 up front. The second year my dad claimed me on his taxes for the previous year and then two months later he was diagnosed with a very serious case of melanoma(skin cancer)and had to stop working. My dad has beat the cancer, and has been cancer free for about 8 months, thank the Lord. However, with FAFSA looking at my dads previous income instead of the current situation I wasn't able to receive the aid I needed. BUT! This year I am going to school! I claimed myself for taxes and I'm a waitress with a child so I am VERY eligible to obtain the financial aid I've been waiting for. With the FAFSA and help from a program here in AZ called WIA, I am very close to having everything set up and ready for me to attend the fall semester! I just have a few more documents that need to be looked over until I hear if I will for sure be able to finally go to school! I am beyond excited and can't believe how close I am to having my dreams come true. It's a huge blessing!

           I am extremely close to my family and love getting to spend time with them. This week my sister had a date planned with her husband and needed someone to look after my nieces and nephew. I gladly took them! Although I live a very busy life, one of my favorite things is getting quality time with Emmet and Jennifer's(my sister) children. Emmet LOVES getting to hang out with his cousins, they have such a great time together. Having them over, or going to their home, whatever the case is always such a blessing for me. I'm constantly on the go due to work, errands, and just life in general so anytime I have a free moment I enjoy helping out with them. Jennifer has just taken up a few hours a week at the dance studio here where my youngest niece, Kennedy, dances so hopefully I will be spending a little more time with them every week. I'd really enjoy that.

   Alexia(10), Emmet(3), Preston(3), Kennedy(5)
Watching the Wild Thornberry's after lunch!
Such a beautiful sight to see :)
           I used to run cross-country in middle school and I have loved to run ever since. I used to run when I was upset, happy, bored, or even just to do it. Getting older and busier put a damper on my hobby and even more so once I had Emmet. It has been a total of about 6 years since I have really ran and I am presently trying to regain my outlet in the midst of my busy life. I make an effort to run on the days my son goes with his dad every week in spite of having to work every night he is away. I don't get to go all the time but when I do run it's such a wonderful feeling to be back at it again. I am really looking forward to easing my way into one of my favorite pastimes and getting a routine worked out!                                            
  Here is a quick snapshot from my run :)
Beautiful blue skies!!

          Regardless of the week being so eventful with chores and errands it was also filled with wonderful blessings. Knowing that life is passing us by whether our days are active or not, I feel like stuffing each day with the things we enjoy is the only way to go. I am looking forward to another week hopefully as great as this one, and I wish you a spectacular week to come also!!

Saturday, April 6, 2013


    My first post ever!

   I have always been interested in starting a blog but I have never been sure how to go about it or even what to say. So today I just decided to just dive on in! I have been searching online for tips and hints trying to figure everything out, and so far its all a foreign language! I know I will get the hang of it soon... it'll just take some time. I cant wait until I have a cute little blog to share my  recipes, creations, photos, and stories on!